What a day we had at the Sale Moor Community Centre Winter fun day! Well over 300 people came through the doors to enjoy the exercise taster classes on offer, the amazing chicken wraps, soup, glitter tattoos, face painting, bracelet making, rock painting, the assault course bouncy castle and the Mario Kart Remote Control racing inside the centre. Outside in Moor Nook Park we had Sale Communities Junior Football Club running some football sessions, Forest bathing with Breath Champs and we launched the Sale Moor Urban Gardens project with some bulb planting around the trees in the park.

We must extend a huge thank you to all the people, businesses, organisations and groups that helped out on the day.
Our volunteers were amazing with huge contributions from Roxy, Bobby, Trica and Seranna on the food and face painting, Christine, Lee and Adele on the rock painting, Team Murray on the refreshments tables, Luke and Ray on the assault course, Claire on the glitter tattoos, Chappy and Sal from SCJFC, Janet, Barbara and the Friends Of Moor Nook team, Jenni and Laura on reception duties and all those that helped in smaller ways too. Our local councillors Liz and Ollie helped out too!
We had some wonderful donations for the event and the raffle from The Sale Hotel, Nisa, Tesco, Orchard Greenery, Royal Tea Rooms, The Bread & Butter Thing and Marbella Sun Tanning Studios. A big thanks to all the people that donated the smaller items too.
Gift & Receive helped out with the bracelet making and had some of their amazing 3D printed items on sale too. You can find them on Facebook. Julie and Ian came along in their role as British Crown Green Bowls coaches to tell us about bowling in the local community.

The exercise taster classes went down really well and we must thank Douggie for the Tai-Chi class, Reggae-cise with Sam, 3Meem and Dance Easy/Breath Champs. You can join Tai-Chi at the Community Centre, we hope to get Reggae-cise offered in the community soon but you can find them on Facebook, at Firs Primary and All Saints, 3Meem operate from lots of local venues and Dance Easy is at Bramhall Close if you are looking to join in more regularly. We are also working on a regular offer from Breath Champs to do Forest Bathing in Moor Nook.
Our Community Health Advisors and the Sale Primary Care Network were on hand offering support and information on lots of health issues and we must highlight the work they do at the Community Centre currently every Monday offering health checks and advice.
Finally a big thank you to the Trafford Central Neighbourhood Network, Trafford Collective and the Sale Moor Community Partnership team of Carl, Lottie and Jamie for getting the event together and making it happen on the day. Around 150 people were originally anticipated to take part but with it being such a lovely day for January the crowds came out and double that amount came to the event. Hopefully we can do something similar in the Summer.